Month: August 2017

Total 4 Posts

Supporting journalism with shipping data

Within minutes of the Singaporean authorities confirming that a Greek tanker had collided with the American destroyer USS John S McCain, the MarineTraffic press office was taking calls from journalists looking for the inside story. “Can you provide the vessel tracks? What other ships were in the vicinity? Whose fault[…]

World Port Hackathon 2017: Benefiting the maritime world

After four successful editions of the World Port Hackathon, it is time to celebrate our fifth anniversary! 24 hours of vibrant energy, innovation, collaboration and above all fun will again be present in the fifth edition of the World Port Hackathon. This year, the first World Port Hackathon Conference is[…]

Marine Gallery – August 2017

Welcome to the Marine Gallery of August 2017, a monthly segment on our blog featuring the five best pictures of every month, selected by members of the MarineTraffic Photo Moderators. These could include images of vessels, ports or lighthouses from around the world. We encourage everyone to submit photos by[…]