MarineTraffic Density Map featured on BBC Newsnight

MarineTraffic Density Map featured on BBC Newsnight in the on Tuesday 19 January. The leading UK current affairs programme focused on the malaise that has beset the dry bulk sector, asking whether it is a potential warning sign of a new global recession.

MarineTraffic density map showing capesize vessel activity recorded in 2014

Information from the Baltic Exchange was used to highlight the difficulties facing shipping markets, in particular the dry bulk sector, with 180,000 dwt capesize ships commanding daily charter rates of around $2600 per day, down from a peak of $200,000-$250,000 per day in 2008.

Capesize ships are used to transport dry commodities such as coal and iron ore along key trade routes from South America and Australia, where the world’s largest mines are situated, to China and India.

Tim Soare from MarineTraffic’s press relations team on BBC Newsnight













Tim Soare from the MarineTraffic press relations team was able to explain the key trade routes for capesize vessels using a MarineTraffic density map, showing all capesize vessel movements recorded by MarineTraffic in 2014.

Click on this link and watch from the beginning of the programme to see the coverage.


Tim is an account manager with London based maritime public relations firm Navigate PR and has been working with MarineTraffic since 2014.