

İletişim Bilgileri

Telefon: +7 861 486-04-52
Fax : +7 861 486-04-49
Elektronik posta: [javascript protected email address]
Web Sitesi: www.cargochem.company
CargoChem LLC
Adres : ulitsa Gertsena 33
Şehir : Temryuk
  Krasnodarskiy kray
posta kodu : 353500
Ülke : Russia

Firma Açıklaması

CargoChem LLC - the company has been successfully operating in the market of international transport, freight forwarding and stevedoring services since 2004. We offer a wide range of transport logistics services, transport goods train/railway and sea transshipment of liquid petrochemical cargoes, multimodal transportation schemes. Experience and technology make it possible to provide our clients with quality services on favorable conditions for them.

Formed in 2004, the CargoChem LLC embarked on the difficult path of development in a highly competitive global market of transport services.

The company is currently CargoChem LLCprovides a full service package of freight forwarding services: transportation of export-import and transit cargo through the territory of Russia, CIS and other countries with the use of rail, road and sea transport.