
South Coast Sales


Phone: +353 02 14346143
Email: [javascript protected email address]
South Coast Sales
Address : No. 1 Doughcloyne Industrial Estate, Sarsfield Road
City : Wilton
Maa : Ireland


Based in Cork we are Ireland’s sole importer and distributor of Philmac products. Back in 1990 we introduced Philmac and since then we have continued to introduce innovative products to the Irish market.
Our extensive range of products includes but is not limited to plumbing products, pump spares, and even universal transition couplings which allows you to join lead, copper, galvanised steel, stainless steel and PVC to each other and to any PE or MDPE pipes.
We are also the sole agent for Farho, low power consumption electric heaters, which are the real alternative to storage and panel heaters All our products are designed to make your job easier and more cost effective.