
NG Shipping LLC

International Shipment - Our company is, first of all, people whom you can trust

معلومات الاتصال

هاتف : +380487044289
فاكس : +380679942998
البريد الإلكتروني: [javascript protected email address]
الموقع الالكتروني:
NG Shipping LLC
عنوان : Haharina Avenue 25
مدينة : Odesa
  Odeska oblast
الرمز البريدي : 65000
Country : Ukraine

وصف الشركة

NG Shipping – is a Ukrainian logistics company that unites specialists with 15 years of experience in international trading and international container transportation.

By building reliable supply chains, we help Ukrainian manufacturers supply high-quality Ukrainian products to international markets: from shipping samples to transporting hundreds of containers.