
Albasma Marine Services Co.


Phone: +20034268914
Fax : +20034841898
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Albasma Marine Services Co.
Address : El-Sherbiny 6
  Alexandria Governorate
Postal Code : 5413402
Maa : Egypt


Welcome to 'Albasma Marine Services' General Supplier & Marine Contractor at all Egyptian Ports

'Albasma Marine Services' was established in the year of 1997 at Alexandria as Ship chandler, General ship supplier

We care about your needs and understand the importance

of supplying the right item at the required time

with top quality and reasonable price.

Where you can have peace of mind and obtain all these services in one contact:

General Ship Supply.
Life rafts & Safety Equipment supply and services with class certification
Spare Parts supplies
Spare Parts parcels custom clearance & delivery on board

-(Fresh, frozen or dry products are stocked in our own warehouses with their state of the art refrigeration and freezer facilities. Fruit, vegetables and dairy products are purchased and delivered daily from the market; many different products are stocked to satisfy crew’s desires where ever they may come from. Of course we