
Monaco Marine

Pleasure is a serious matter


Phone: +33 4 93 76 47 64
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Monaco Marine France
Address : Port de Plaisance
City : Beaulieu-sur-Mer
  Provence-Alpes-Côte dAzur
Postal Code : 06310
Country : France


Monaco Marine is a network of refit and maintenance shipyards for super and megayachts up to 160m+. Their expertise, know-how and ability to manage huge refit projects allow them to reach the highest quality standards available on the market. Over 3,000 yachts undergo refit, repair or wintering at Monaco Marine shipyards every year. Thanks to its seven yacht facilities from Beaulieu-sur-mer to Marseille, its marina in Monaco and a unique mobile shipyard programme, Monaco Marine commits its expertise and contractors for refit and maintenance projects all around the world. With their specific mobile shipyard programme, their clients can now alternate technical pit stops and huge refits to keep state of the art wherever they are around the world.After 22 years’ experience, Monaco Marine provides the best support for owners, captains and crew along the year and has gained a loyalty rate of 80 per cent from its customers, which is its best reward for the work done on many prestigious yachts. Working with passion, providing the best tools, staying state of the art, innovating for tomorrow and always keeping customers’ satisfaction in mind, that’s their everyday life.