


معلومات الاتصال

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الموقع الالكتروني:
PT Covanova Abadi Shiping
عنوان : Jalan Raja Ali Haji
صندوق البريد : 29453
  Kepulauan Riau
Country : Indonesia

وصف الشركة

PT. COVANOVA ABADI SHIPING as a “A” Class and experienced National ShippingCompany and Ship Owner is a well-established and prominent national shipping company, taking care of all sea transport. We guarantee a fast and dependable service to all our customers. In our endeavours to perfection, we emphasize quality factors such as craftsmanship, efficiency, friendly working-conditions within an ecologically and safe atmosphere.

With the head office at Batam, Riau Archipelago Province - Indonesia, right to the Malacca Strait, one of busiest seaway in the world, and our branch office at Tanjung Balai Karimun, Belakang Padang, Sambu, Tanjung Batu, Riau Archipelago – Indonesia, straight ahead Malacca Strait, 30 minutes from Singapore, within the IMS (Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore) Growth Triangle, and one branch located at Dumai, Riau – Indonesia.

We handle all types of vessels, accessibility to related parties and government offices for the necessary permits and operational arrangements. We understand the legal and regulatory import/export complexities and offer value-added customs related services to move your shipments through customs quickly and smoothly. The convenience of the customers is taken care by finalize proper documents, procedures, etc; and to avoid the client from complex administrative procedures.

The rapid implementation of process work service is accordance to the wishes of the client. Our company provides a twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year – including weekends and public holidays; it's easier for you to control the motion of the ship course that can minimize operational costs. In accordance with the vision and mission and commitment of the personnel who are supported by experience in the field of maritime, shipping maritime background expertise and highly dedication.